Fornace Calandrelli
Handcrafted Cotto since 1752
We are part of a long history.
We have been native of Castel Viscardo for generations: since 1752, our ancestors were craftsmen, inventors and enthusiasts about Cotto. Such a beautiful material can only be born from love, from fatigue, and from passion. In the early days, the artisans extracted the clay with the pickaxe, kneaded with feet and carried it on their shoulders: the synthesis of this effort could be summed up in a valuable material of rare beauty, whose various declinations all have in common the same point – excellence. And this is precisely the constant we recreate: centuries later and with all the improvements that our modern time gave us, we remain rooted in the ancient and extraordinary tradition, whose ultimate goal is the combination of beauty and quality.
To appreciate our work have been private individuals, professionals, companies and Fine Arts bureaus. They have chosen our terracotta for numerous restorations including the Colosseum in Rome, Piazza del Campo in Siena, the Reggia of Caserta and other points of historical interest of the Italian tradition.
Dedicated to Lorenzo Calandrelli, the man who brought the art of Umbrian handcrafted Cotto to the world and made it great.
Our Handcrafted Cotto Floors

Cotto levigato
Lavorazione che rende il cotto liscio e porta alla luce le sue sfumature più intime: per interni eleganti e dinamici.
Cotto pretrattato
Cotto che esce dalla fornace già lavato con acido e impermeabilizzato, per una gestione in cantiere facile e veloce.
Cotto basso spessore
In certi contesti, è richiesto un cotto di spessore sottile. Siamo in grado di arrivare a 1,5cm e lavoriamo per scendere ancora.
Argille in pasta colorata
Per andare incontro alle esigenze dei professionisti e dei clienti, lavoriamo argille di vari colori oltre a quella nostrana.
Direttamente dalla tradizione Etrusca, il travolgente fascino dell’argilla cotta in riduzione di ossigeno, in versione nera o grigia, per un pavimento dalla bellezza mozzafiato.
Cotto anticato
Mattone sottoposto a una lavorazione meccanica che gli conferisce l’aspetto di un pavimento vissuto, dalla tradizione secolare.
Cotto Parte Manata
Il mattone montato lasciando a vista la parte liscia, dove l’Artigiano con le mani bagnate firma ogni pezzo: un gesto che dalla nostra produzione è diventato una vera e propria finitura per gli amanti del Cotto
Cotto Grezzo
Il mattone puro, così come esce dal forno: nella sua forma più rustica e primitiva senza necessità di finiture aggiuntive.
Handcrafted-smoothed Cotto
A process that makes terracotta smooth and brings to light its most intimate nuances: for elegant and dynamic interiors.
Pre-treated Cotto
Terracotta coming out of the furnace already washed with acid and waterproofed, for an easy and fast management on site.
Low-thickness Cotto
In certain contexts, a terracotta with a thinner thickness is required. To present date, we are able to reach a thickness of 1,1cm, and we are currently working to reach lower figures.
Colored clay paste
To meet the needs of professionals and customers, we work clays of various colors in addition to our own.
Directly from the Etruscan tradition, the overwhelming charm of baked clay in oxygen reduction, in black or gray version, for a floor of breathtaking beauty.
Antique Cotto
The terracotta brick undergoes a mechanical processing that gives it the appearance of a lived-in floor, with a centuries-old tradition.
"Lato Manato" Cotto
The terracotta brick is mounted leaving the smooth part visible, where the craftsman signs each piece with wet hands (therefore the name “manato”, from the Italian word “mani”, hands): a process started here in furnace Calandrelli, and which has become a distinctive finish for Cotto enthusiasts.
Handcrafted-raw Cotto
The pure terracotta brick, as it comes out of the kiln: in its most rustic and primitive form without the need for additional finishing.Our Services
The deep respect for the customer who chooses us translates into a service carried out with the utmost commitment, an always available assistance, a product made by an Italian family company that has been on the market for more than 250 years.
We restore your Cotto floor to its original splendor.
Through our teams of professionals, we carry out the service of laying and grouting the material.
We deliver all our products both nationally and internationally.
All-around Service
Production, transport, installation and stain-resistant treatment. We take care of all the steps to guarantee you an optimal result.
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